Efficiently Organizing your Small Bathroom Makes Big Sense

Small, cramped bathrooms with little space and lots of stuff can present big problems for a busy family.  With items strewn across the bathroom countertop with no designated space make it difficult to find that favorite pot of lip gloss, box of dental floss or can of hair mousse when morning routine time is at a minimum.  You can conquer this problem with an honest assessment of your bathroom's contents and some creativity.

First of all, look around your bathroom.  If you have products in your bathroom that you didn't like after the first use, or that someone who previously visited left there and your family doesn't use, get rid of them.  This can be a tough pill to swallow if you focus on the money that you spent on buying it, but if it's taking up valuable space in your cramped bathroom quarters, it's costing you more in headaches and stress than it's worth.  You'll probably be amazed at how much space you can free up by clearing out these unused, unwanted items.

After you've cleared these items out, assess what's left.  If there's a drawer for makeup, but nothing in it is sorted, consider some small boxes or baskets to place them in.  Place lipsticks and glosses in one bin, another for makeup compacts, and another for makeup applicators such as brushes and sponges. If there are a lot of hair products, consider using a larger basket to place them in and stored under the sink which can be easily removed and put away each morning.

If you're in the habit of stocking up on those products you seem to go through quickly such as toilet paper, lotion, or toothpaste, consider storing those in a pantry or linen closet instead of in the bathroom itself.  Make sure all family members know where to look for a replacement or refill should they run out.

Most importantly, get your family to agree on using and maintaining the organization system that's been developed.  It'll do no good to organize only to find things disheveled and unorganized the following week.  Ask for input when devising a system, and make sure it's one that everyone involved can live with.

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